Travel like this instead
No trains run between Mölndal and Gothenburg and vice versa. For travel between Mölndal station and Gothenburg Central station and vice versa, you can travel with trams 2 and 4.
No trains run between Mölndal and Gothenburg and vice versa. Replacement buses run between Mölndal and Gothenburg.
SJ's trains between Gothenburg and Borås are cancelled.
Yes, but exceptions for if you travel with Pay As You Go. You cannot travel with an Pay As You Go on the replacement traffic.
Tickets issued for travel by Öresundståg are valid for travel within zone A for 60 minutes after arrival in Gothenburg Central station or 60 minutes before departure within the departure zone.
Tickets purchased through Resplus to Gothenburg Central station or Mölndals station do not automatically include Västtrafik's zones and zone prices on the ticket
You cannot bring a bicycle, electric bicycle, folded mini bicycle, scooter, balance bicycle, box bicycle or bicycle carts on board Västtågen between Kungsbacka-Hede-Anneberg-Lindome-Kållered-Mölndal during the work.
When traveling with Öresundståg, you cannot bring a bicycle to and from Mölndal, but Kungsbacka is the first boarding and last disembarkation with bicycles.We strongly advise against bringing a bicycle also on the stretch Kungsbacka-Malmö and vice versa as there is not much space for bicycles.
You may not bring a bicycle on the tram or the replacement buses.
If you want to travel by bike from Mölndal, we can advise you about loan bikes via Styr & Ställ. There are rental bikes directly adjacent to Mölndal station. Download the Nextbike app to see all the stations and get started.
When changing between tram and train on tracks 2 and 3, there are lifts and escalators at Mölndal station. A shuttle bus runs between track 1 and Mölndals Bro.
If you need extra support before your trip, you are welcome to contact us on our availability number: 010-17 30 299.