How to order Community bus
Phone numbers and opening hours for ordering a community bus can be found by selecting the municipality below.
How to travel with Community bus
- Decide when you want to travel.
- Order no later than the day before you want to travel.
- The times in the timetable are approximate. You will get a more accurate time when booking your trip.
- When we pick you up, it is important that you stand outside and are ready for take off.
- Sometimes you get to carpool with other travelers. This means that the travel time can be a little bit longer.
You can travel within the area as well as to and from Skärhamn and Kållekärr. In areas N1 and N3 you can also travel to Myggenäs shop.
Order a trip
Phone number: 0304-67 50 10*
Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 7.30-16. Order no later than the workday before the day you want to travel.
*Personal data that you provide when you call Västtrafik is processed in accordance with Västtrafik's privacy policy.
Timetable when bus Tjörn (pdf, opens in new window)
Tickets and prices
Adult: SEK 35
Youth: SEK 26
Payment methods: Västtrafik To Go or Västtrafik card.
Senior card: If you have a senior card you can use it on the community bus. You can travel within the zone in which the senior card is valid.