The West Link Project and Västtrafik
The West Link Project (Västlänken) is the name of a railroad currently being built in central Gothenburg. Three new train stations will allow you to travel smoother, faster and with fewer transfers.
Västra Götaland region will invest in two new travel centres at Haga and Korsvägen to enable easy traveling and good service at the new train stations.
This is The West Link Project
Offload and connecting
The West Link Project allows more trains to and from Gothenburg and creates new connections between more locations. The West Link project distributes travel and relieves the pressure from the city centre and Brunnsparken, which are currently overloaded. In addition, the project connects our train lines so that it will be easier to travel in the region.
All the details of The West Link project on Trafikverket's website
Travel centres for the future
Västra Götaland region constructs travel centres
Region Västra Götaland, through Västfastigheter, is responsible for building two new travel centres at the West Link stations Haga and Korsvägen. The construction of the West Link has already begun. The travel centres are planned to be complete when the West Link opens, but we already now have an idea of what the stations will look like.

Korsvägen Station
Korsvägen is today dominated by car traffic, circulating around the public transport hub. The idea is that the area will be redesigned to give more space to public transport, pedestrians and cyclists.
The West Link station is built under Korsvägen. The ground floor will be built with different types of services.
This is what Korsvägen looks like in the future on goteborg.se (In Swedish)

Haga Station
Haga is an older area where we will preserve today's design to a large extent. Above the station we are building a travel centre where we will be able to offer good transfer opportunities, bicycle garages, service and a safe environment. The station will be small in size but a major hub for public transport with commuter trains, regional trains, tram and bus routes. The popular line 25 and Rosa Express are examples of buses that will stop here.
An architectural competition has been held on how the travel centre building and the surrounding area should look like.

The Central Station
A new station building is being built here by a separate party.
How the centre is transformed into a metropolitan environment on goteborg.se (In Swedish)